Category Archives: Real Estate Advice

June 2024 Real Estate Statistics for Low

In June, 18 homes were SOLD in Lake of the Woods.

0 sold below $250,000.00
0  sold between $250,000-299,999;
3 sold between $300,000-349,999;
4 sold between $350,000-399,999;
7 sold between $400,000-499,999;
4 sold between $500,000-$999,999;

34 Active/Coming Soon Listings for Sale
21 Homes Under Contract
110 Homes Sold since January 1, 2024.

Whether you’re looking for homes for sale in Lake of the Woods VA or property in Virginia, we are your Real Estate Advisors for Stafford, Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, Locust Grove, Central Virginia, and Greater Virginia. Thinking of selling? In any market condition, “What is my home worth?” is the #1 question asked by homeowners. If you wish to sell your home, it needs to be sold for top dollar and in a timely manner. Pricing your home accurately, one of our expert advisors will partner with you to make the selling process so much easier. Get started today by calling us at (540) 388-2541 or contacting Pat Licata. To view available Lake of the Woods properties, please visit our site. To view available properties in Northern and Central Virginia, visit our website at

Understanding the Difference Between Title and Deed for Home Buyers

When buying a home, two critical terms you’ll encounter are “title” and “deed.” While they are closely related and both essential in the real estate process, they refer to different concepts. Understanding the distinction between them is crucial for any potential home buyer. Let’s break it down in simple terms.

What is a Title?

The title is not a physical document. Instead, it represents the legal concept of ownership. When you hold the title to a property, it means you have the legal rights to use and modify that property. The title encompasses all your rights, interests, and ownership of the property.

Think of the title as a bundle of rights that includes:

  • The right to occupy and use the property.
  • The right to sell or transfer the property.
  • The right to lease it out.
  • The right to use it as collateral for a loan.

The title ensures that you legally own the property and can exercise these rights without interference, provided you comply with local laws and regulations.

What is a Deed?

A deed, on the other hand, is a physical document. It is the written proof that shows you have transferred the title (ownership) from one person to another. The deed is what legally records the change in ownership and is typically filed with the local government.

Key elements included in a deed:

  • Grantor and Grantee: The grantor is the person selling or transferring the property, and the grantee is the person buying or receiving it.
  • Description of the Property: This includes the legal description of the property, which accurately defines its boundaries and location.
  • Signatures: The deed must be signed by the grantor and, in many cases, notarized to be legally binding.
  • Delivery and Acceptance: The deed must be delivered to and accepted by the grantee.

How Do They Work Together?

When you buy a home, here’s how the process typically unfolds:

  1. Title Search: Before the sale, a title company conducts a title search to ensure the title is clear of any liens, disputes, or other issues that could affect your ownership rights. This search verifies that the seller has the legal right to sell the property.
  2. Signing the Deed: At closing, the seller (grantor) signs the deed, transferring ownership to you (the grantee). This document is then typically recorded in the public records of the county where the property is located.
  3. Receiving the Title: After the deed is recorded, you receive the title to the property. This means you now hold all the legal rights and ownership interests associated with the property.

Why Understanding the Difference Matters

  • Legal Protection: Knowing the difference between title and deed helps you ensure that you are legally protected. Ensuring a clear title and having a properly executed deed are fundamental to safeguarding your property rights.
  • Financing and Selling: When you seek to finance or sell your home, a clear understanding of these terms will help you navigate the processes smoothly. Lenders and future buyers will require proof that you have a clear title and a properly recorded deed.
  • Peace of Mind: Understanding these concepts can give you peace of mind, knowing that your ownership is secure and legally recognized.

In summary, the title is your legal ownership of the property, while the deed is the document that transfers that ownership from one person to another. Both are crucial in the real estate process and understanding them will help you make informed decisions when buying your home.

We hope this info helps you understand an important piece of the buying and selling process. We at Licata Group are always happy to answer any questions you may have.

Whether you’re looking for homes for sale in Lake of the Woods VA or property in Virginia, we are your Real Estate Advisors for Stafford, Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, Locust Grove, Central Virginia, and Greater Virginia. Thinking of selling? In any market condition, “What is my home worth?” is the #1 question asked by homeowners. If you wish to sell your home, it needs to be sold for top dollar and in a timely manner. Pricing your home accurately, one of our expert advisors will partner with you to make the selling process so much easier. Get started today by calling us at (540) 388-2541 or contacting Pat Licata. To view available Lake of the Woods properties, please visit our site. To view available properties in Northern and Central Virginia, visit our website at

Understanding Home Appraisals: A Crucial Step in the Home Buying Process

Buying a home is one of the most significant financial decisions you’ll ever make. As you navigate through the complex process, one crucial step often overlooked by many homebuyers is the home appraisal. In this blog post, we’ll delve into what home appraisals entail, why they are essential, and how they can impact your purchase.

What is a Home Appraisal?

A home appraisal is an unbiased estimate of a property’s fair market value conducted by a licensed or certified appraiser. The appraiser evaluates various factors to determine the home’s worth, including its size, condition, location, amenities, and recent sales of comparable properties in the area.

The Home Appraisal Process:

  1. Inspection: The appraiser visits the property to assess its condition, size, features, and overall quality. They take note of any improvements or deficiencies that may affect its value.
  2. Market Analysis: The appraiser researches recent sales of similar properties (comparables or “comps”) in the neighborhood to determine the property’s market value.
  3. Appraisal Report: Based on their findings, the appraiser prepares a detailed report that includes their opinion of the property’s value. This report is submitted to the lender and/or buyer.

Why Are Appraisals Important?

1. Protecting Lenders: Lenders require appraisals to ensure that the property serves as sufficient collateral for the mortgage loan. The appraisal helps the lender determine if the property’s value justifies the loan amount.

2. Informing Buyers: Appraisals provide buyers with an independent assessment of the property’s value. This information can help buyers make informed decisions about their purchase, negotiate the price, or reconsider their offer if the appraisal comes in lower than expected.

3. Avoiding Overpaying: An accurate appraisal can prevent buyers from overpaying for a property. If the appraised value is lower than the agreed-upon purchase price, buyers may renegotiate with the seller or reconsider their offer.

4. Securing Financing: Many lenders require a satisfactory appraisal before approving a mortgage loan. If the property appraises for less than the loan amount, the lender may refuse to finance the purchase or require the buyer to make a larger down payment.

How Can Appraisals Affect the Purchase?

1. Impact on Financing: If the property appraises for less than the agreed-upon purchase price, buyers may struggle to secure financing for the full amount. They may need to make up the difference in cash, renegotiate with the seller, or risk the deal falling through.

2. Negotiating Power: A low appraisal can give buyers leverage in negotiations. They may use the appraisal report to negotiate a lower purchase price or request that the seller make repairs or concessions to compensate for the discrepancy.

3. Time and Costs: A delayed or contested appraisal can prolong the closing process and incur additional costs for both parties. Buyers may need to pay for a second appraisal or seek alternative financing options if the initial appraisal is deemed unacceptable.

In conclusion, home appraisals play a vital role in the home-buying process, providing an objective assessment of a property’s value. Understanding the appraisal process and its implications can help buyers navigate negotiations, secure financing, and make informed decisions about their purchases. Whether you’re a first-time buyer or a seasoned homeowner, being aware of the appraisal’s significance ensures a smoother and more successful home-buying experience.

For more information about the home buying or selling process, we welcome the opportunity to be a trusted resource.

Whether you’re looking for homes for sale in Lake of the Woods VA or property in Virginia, we are your Real Estate Advisors for Stafford, Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, Locust Grove, Central Virginia, and Greater Virginia. Thinking of selling? In any market condition, “What is my home worth?” is the #1 question asked by homeowners. If you wish to sell your home, it needs to be sold for top dollar and in a timely manner. Pricing your home accurately, one of our expert advisors will partner with you to make the selling process so much easier. Get started today by calling us at (540) 388-2541 or contacting Pat Licata. To view available Lake of the Woods properties, please visit our site. To view available properties in Northern and Central Virginia, visit our website at

What to Expect During the Closing Process: A Comprehensive Guide for Home Buyers

Congratulations! You’ve found your dream home, negotiated the terms, and now it’s time for the closing process. Closing, also known as settlement, is the final step in the home-buying journey where ownership of the property officially transfers from the seller to the buyer. In this blog post, we’ll break down what happens during the closing process and provide essential information on the documents you’ll need to sign and what to bring to the closing table.

Understanding the Closing Process:

  1. Scheduling the Closing: Once all parties have agreed to the terms of the sale, a closing date is set. This date is typically determined by mutual agreement between the buyer, seller, real estate agents, and the closing agent or escrow officer.
  2. Title Search and Title Insurance: Before closing, a title search is conducted to ensure there are no liens, disputes, or claims on the property that could affect the transfer of ownership. Title insurance is then obtained to protect the buyer and lender against any unforeseen issues with the title if a mortgage is being obtained…
  3. Finalizing Loan Documents: If you’re financing your purchase with a mortgage loan, your lender will prepare the loan documents for you to sign at closing. These documents outline the terms of your loan, including the interest rate, repayment schedule, and any associated fees.
  1. Reviewing Closing Disclosure: At least three days before closing, you’ll receive a Closing Disclosure from your lender. This document provides a detailed breakdown of the final closing costs, including the loan amount, interest rate, closing fees, and any prepaid expenses. Review the Closing Disclosure carefully to ensure all the terms are accurate and in line with your expectations.
  2. Signing Documents: On the day of closing, you’ll meet with the closing agent or escrow officer to sign the necessary documents. Some of the key documents you’ll encounter include:
    • Promissory Note: This document outlines your promise to repay the mortgage loan according to the agreed-upon terms.
    • Mortgage/Deed of Trust: This document secures the loan against the property and gives the lender the right to foreclose if you fail to repay the loan.
    • Closing Disclosure: You may need to sign a final version of the Closing Disclosure to acknowledge that you’ve reviewed and understand the closing costs.
    • Title Documents: You’ll receive the title to the property, along with other relevant title documents, affirming your ownership rights.
  3. Funding the Loan: Once all documents are signed, the lender will fund the loan. This involves transferring the loan proceeds to the seller or their lender and paying off any existing mortgages or liens on the property.
  4. Recording the Deed: After funding, the deed and other legal documents are recorded with the appropriate government office. This officially transfers ownership of the property from the seller to you as the buyer.
  5. Receiving Keys: Finally, once the closing process is complete and the funds have been disbursed, you’ll receive the keys to your new home. Congratulations, you’re now a homeowner!

What to Bring to Closing:

  1. Photo Identification: Bring a government-issued photo ID, such as a driver’s license or passport, to verify your identity.
  2. Certified Funds: You may need to bring a cashier’s check or arrange for a wire transfer to cover any closing costs or down payment required at closing. Check with your lender or closing agent beforehand to confirm the amount and payment method.
  3. Proof of Insurance: Your lender may require proof of homeowner’s insurance before closing. Bring a copy of your insurance policy or contact your insurance provider to arrange for coverage.
  4. Any Required Documentation: If your lender or closing agent has requested any additional documentation, such as proof of income or employment, make sure to bring these documents to closing.

By understanding the closing process and being prepared with the necessary documents, you can ensure a smooth and successful closing experience. If you have any questions or concerns about the closing process, don’t hesitate to reach out to your real estate agent, lender, or closing agent for assistance. Happy closing, and welcome to your new home!

Whether you’re looking for homes for sale in Lake of the Woods VA or property in Virginia, we are your Real Estate Advisors for Stafford, Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, Locust Grove, Central Virginia, and Greater Virginia. Thinking of selling? In any market 

condition, “What is my home worth?” is the #1 question asked by homeowners. If you wish to sell your home, it needs to be sold for top dollar and in a timely manner. Pricing your home accurately, one of our expert advisors will partner with you to make the selling process so much easier. Get started today by calling us at (540) 388-2541 or contacting Pat Licata. To view available Lake of the Woods properties, please visit our site. To view available properties in Northern and Central Virginia, visit our website at

Unveiling the Additional Costs of Buying a Home: How to Budget Wisely for Your Purchase

Buying a home is an exciting milestone, but it’s essential to be prepared for the financial commitment beyond just the purchase price. In addition to the down payment and mortgage payments, there are several other costs associated with buying a home that can catch many buyers off guard. In this blog post, we’ll delve into these costs, including closing costs, home inspections, and moving expenses, and offer practical advice on how to budget for them effectively.

1. Closing Costs:

Closing costs are fees associated with finalizing the home purchase and securing the mortgage loan. They typically range from 2% to 5% of the home’s purchase price and can include:

  • Loan Origination Fees: Charges from the lender for processing the loan.
  • Title Insurance: Protects against any issues with the property’s title.
  • Appraisal Fees: Cost of assessing the property’s value.
  • Escrow Fees: Handling fees for managing the transfer of funds and documents.
  • Recording Fees: Charges for recording the deed and other legal documents.

Budgeting Tip: Plan ahead by obtaining a loan estimate from your lender early in the home-buying process. This will give you a better understanding of the closing costs you’ll need to budget for.

2. Home Inspections:

Home inspections are crucial for identifying any potential issues or repairs needed before finalizing the purchase. While the cost varies depending on the size and location of the home, typical inspections include:

  • General Home Inspection: Covers the overall condition of the home, including structural components, electrical systems, plumbing, and more.
  • Pest Inspection: Checks for any signs of pest infestation, such as termites or rodents.
  • Radon Testing: Determines the presence of radon gas, which can be harmful if present at high levels.

Budgeting Tip: Allocate funds for home inspections early in your home-buying journey. While they may seem like an additional expense, they can save you money in the long run by uncovering potential issues that could be costly to repair later.

3. Moving Expenses:

Moving costs can add up quickly, especially if you’re relocating a long distance or have a large household. Consider the following expenses when budgeting for your move:

  • Professional Movers: Hiring movers to pack and transport your belongings.
  • Packing Supplies: Purchasing boxes, tape, bubble wrap, and other packing materials.
  • Utility Setup Fees: Charges for setting up utilities at your new home.
  • Travel Expenses: Costs for transportation and lodging if moving long distance.

Budgeting Tip: Get multiple quotes from moving companies to compare prices and find the best deal. Consider decluttering and selling or donating items you no longer need to reduce moving costs.


While the purchase price of a home is a significant expense, it’s essential to account for the additional costs that come with buying a home. By budgeting wisely for closing costs, home inspections, and moving expenses, you can ensure a smoother and more financially manageable home-buying experience. Remember to plan ahead, obtain estimates, and factor these additional expenses into your overall budget to avoid any surprises along the way. With careful planning and preparation, you’ll be well-equipped to embark on your journey to homeownership confidently.

Whether you’re looking for homes for sale in Lake of the Woods VA or property in Virginia, we are your Real Estate Advisors for Stafford, Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, Locust Grove, Central Virginia, and Greater Virginia. Thinking of selling? In any market condition, “What is my home worth?” is the #1 question asked by homeowners. If you wish to sell your home, it needs to be sold for top dollar and in a timely manner. Pricing your home accurately, one of our expert advisors will partner with you to make the selling process so much easier. Get started today by calling us at (540) 388-2541 or contacting Pat Licata. To view available Lake of the Woods properties, please visit our site. To view available properties in Northern and Central Virginia, visit our website at

Unveiling Your Waterfront Haven at 108 Appomattox Place: Offered at $975,000

Welcome to your lakeside haven, where panoramic lake views and 260 ft of water frontage rapping around a main lake point provide the opportunity for every moment to become a cherished memory! This one-of-a-kind home is a treasure trove that boasts lakefront bliss setting the stage for endless adventures and relaxation. Experience this property, one of the largest waterfront lots in LOW that offers incredible main lake views and spectacular sunsets, and you’ll appreciate just how incredibly special it truly is. Step into the main level and prepare to be enchanted by the spacious family room, where vaulted ceilings and an abundance of windows create the perfect backdrop for lakefront living. As you sit in the dining area for a meal, let the stunning lake views elevate it into a delightful experience. And oh, don’t forget the conservatory—filled with sunlight, it’s the ultimate spot to soak in the beauty of the outdoors. Upstairs, the primary bedroom beckons with its private balcony overlooking the tranquil waters, offering a serene retreat at the end of the day. The jack and jill bathroom ensures convenience for both residents and guests, while the second bedroom enjoys its own slice of lakeside paradise and private vanity. But wait, there’s more! Head to the lower level, where the rec room opens onto a private deck—perfect for lazy afternoons and starlit evenings by the water. The third bedroom provides ample space for relaxation, all while offering breathtaking views of the main lake. Need a little extra flexibility? A bonus room currently serves as a fourth bedroom. With every corner of this home radiating with the promise of adventure and relaxation, it’s time to embark on a journey of lakeside living like never before. Come, make memories that will last a lifetime at your very own lakeside retreat! Whether you are looking for a full-time residence or vacation home, 108 Appomattox Place is a winner! Nestled in a private, secure, gated community, Lake of the Woods is a paradise of possibilities. With two lakes, a golf course, an equestrian center, fire and rescue services, and even a church within its bounds, this community offers a diverse range of activities. From boating, water skiing, kayaking, and golfing to the simple joy of soaking in mesmerizing views from the clubhouse, deck, yard, or beaches, there’s something for everyone. Engage your interests by joining over 60 clubs and organizations, or perhaps indulge in a game of bridge or contribute your talents as a volunteer. Lake of the Woods truly caters to your lifestyle. Located in Orange County, enjoy the added advantage of low real estate taxes. With home prices spanning from $200,000+ to over $2,000,000, Lake of the Woods is the ideal haven for both full-time residents and weekenders. Don’t just take my word for it – come and see for yourself! Allow me to guide you through a tour of Lake of the Woods, showcasing the very essence of what makes this community so special. Experience firsthand the captivating charm of Lake of the Woods!

Whether you’re looking for homes for sale in Lake of the Woods VA or property in Virginia, we are your Real Estate Advisors for Stafford, Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, Locust Grove, Central Virginia, and Greater Virginia. Thinking of selling? In any market condition, “What is my home worth?” is the #1 question asked by homeowners. If you wish to sell your home, it needs to be sold for top dollar and in a timely manner. Pricing your home accurately, one of our expert advisors will partner with you to make the selling process so much easier. Get started today by calling us at (540) 388-2541 or contacting Pat Licata. To view available Lake of the Woods properties, please visit our site. To view available properties in Northern and Central Virginia, visit our website at

Colonial Charm: Your Haven Awaits in Gordonsville Gates

10095 Spring Drive offed at $399,900

Explore this charming colonial home nestled in the heart of the Gordonsville Gates subdivision. With over 3000 square feet of living space, this residence offers a haven for creating cherished memories for years to come. As you enter, you’re greeted by an expansive living room, the perfect setting for gatherings with loved ones or cozy evenings by the fireplace. The open layout seamlessly flows into the bright and airy kitchen, complete with ample storage and counter space, ideal for culinary adventures and family meals. Adjacent to the kitchen, the dining area beckons with its large windows, inviting streams of natural light to dance throughout the space, creating a warm and inviting ambiance. Step outside onto the deck, an extension of your entertaining space, where laughter and conversation mingle with the gentle breeze, making every gathering memorable. Completing the main level, a convenient laundry room and a half bath add to the functionality and comfort of the home. Upstairs, discover the sleeping quarters, featuring four bedrooms and two bathrooms, offering ample space for rest and relaxation. The unfinished basement presents a blank canvas, awaiting your personal touch to transform it into the perfect space to suit your family’s needs, whether it be a cozy recreation room, a home gym, or a workshop for creative endeavors. Outside, the sizable yard provides a picturesque backdrop for outdoor activities, from lively gatherings to quiet moments of reflection. Perfect for kids and pets to frolic and play, this space is sure to be the setting for countless memories in the making. Located just a hop, skip, and jump from historic downtown Gordonsville, and close to Charlottesville and Locust Grove, this home offers not only a serene retreat but also convenient access to shopping, dining, and entertainment options. Don’t miss the opportunity to make this colonial gem your own and embark on a journey filled with history, warmth, and the promise of endless memories.

Whether you’re looking for homes for sale in Lake of the Woods VA or property in Virginia, we are your Real Estate Advisors for Stafford, Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, Locust Grove, Central Virginia, and Greater Virginia. Thinking of selling? In any market 

condition, “What is my home worth?” is the #1 question asked by homeowners. If you wish to sell your home, it needs to be sold for top dollar and in a timely manner. Pricing your home accurately, one of our expert advisors will partner with you to make the selling process so much easier. Get started today by calling us at (540) 388-2541 or contacting Pat Licata. To view available Lake of the Woods properties, please visit our site. To view available properties in Northern and Central Virginia, visit our website at

8 Post-Moving Day Tips For a Stress-Free Move

There are tons of checklists and moving company reviews to help you prepare for a move, but once the furniture and boxes make it into your new home, the moving help is done for the day, and everyone is exhausted, it can all feel a little overwhelming. We’ve prepared a short guide to help de-stress unpacking and get you settled into your new home.

1. Build breaks into your plan. Make your dinner ahead or plan to order takeout. Expect to need a trip to the store on moving day, the day after moving day, and a week after moving day. Despite the best planning, things come up.

2. First things first – if you’ll be living there from day one, the first order of business is to set up the beds and get one bathroom set up that everyone can use.

3. Plan before you start unpacking. You’ll want to plan how you’ll unpack, which rooms to tackle first, how to organize the drawers, and the end date when the last box will be unpacked. Include shopping for window treatments, rugs, and organizers when looking over your timeline. And don’t over-schedule yourself, enjoy the process of settling into your new home.

4. Within the first week, make your emergency plan, map out your fire escapes, locate or purchase fire extinguishers and blankets, and check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Get your first aid kits and flashlights in place and stock the basement or shelter with bottled water, snacks, batteries, and a weather radio.

5. Within the first two weeks take a good look around inside and outside your new home. Note anything broken or worn, potential dangers, leaks or drainage issues, electrical concerns, and any sharp, pointing things. Note the HVAC service schedule, the age of the water heater, and any other home mechanicals. Start making your maintenance plan.

6. Now that you’ve moved into your new home, explore your new neighborhood. Locate nearby grocery, hardware, pharmacy, fuel, parks and trails, banks, hospitals, and walk-in clinics.

7. Wrap up the details. Change the locks, get spare keys made, check that you’re set up with all the utilities and service providers you need, send thank you notes to friends and family who helped you out, and help your kids memorize your new address.

8. Host a housewarming party! Moving into a new home is a big life event and you’ll want to celebrate!

Whether you’re looking for homes for sale in Lake of the Woods VA or property in Virginia, we are your Real Estate Advisors for Stafford, Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, Locust Grove, Central Virginia, and Greater Virginia. Thinking of selling? In any market condition, “What is my home worth?” is the #1 question asked by homeowners. If you wish to sell your home, it needs to be sold for top dollar and in a timely manner. Pricing your home accurately, one of our expert advisors will partner with you to make the selling process so much easier. Get started today by calling us at (540) 388-2541 or 
contacting Pat Licata. To see available Lake of the Woods properties, please visit our site.

Sources: &

Charming rambler with a two-car garage, welcoming guests to 412 Liberty Blvd. with its inviting curb appeal.

Welcoming guests at 312 Yorktown Blvd. with its inviting curb appeal: Offered at $399,900

Come see what this lake life is all about! This fantastic one-level home offers new main living area flooring, an open floor plan, vaulted ceilings, a stone fireplace, and a spacious kitchen, all contributing to a cozy and inviting atmosphere. The kitchen boasts an expansive island and stylish open shelving. Wait until you see the owner’s suite, where the en-suite bath and walk-in closet add a touch of luxury, providing a comfortable retreat within the home. The rear deck and gazebo offer great opportunities for outdoor relaxation and entertaining, with the level, wooded private backdrop providing a serene setting to unwind or an ideal place for family fun while enjoying the natural surroundings. 312 Yorktown is the perfect blend of indoor comfort and outdoor beauty, ideal for anyone looking to experience the tranquility and lifestyle that private, gated, secure community, Lake of the Woods provides. Home to two lakes (the 550-acre main lake and a 35-acre “fishing lake”), a golf course, an equestrian center, a fire and rescue department, and a church all within the gates, Lake of the Woods simply has it all. Whether your passion is boating, water skiing, kayaking, golfing, horseback riding, or simply taking in the breathtaking views from the clubhouse while enjoying a fabulous meal, from your deck or yard, or from one of the beaches, you won’t be disappointed! Perhaps you’d like a game of bridge or volunteer your time and talents…Lake of the Woods offers more than 60 clubs and organizations Located in a private, gated, secure community, Lake of the Woods offers anything and everything you could want. Home to two lakes (the 550-acre main lake and a 35-acre “fishing lake”), a golf course, an equestrian center, a fire and rescue department, and a church all within the gates, Lake of the Woods has it all. Whether your passion is boating, water skiing, kayaking, golfing, horseback riding, or simply taking in the breathtaking views from the clubhouse while enjoying a fabulous meal, from your deck or yard, or from one of the beaches, you won’t be disappointed! Perhaps you’d like a game of bridge or volunteer your time and talents…Lake of the Woods offers more than 60 clubs and organizations from which you may choose to become involved. Located in Orange County, we are fortunate to enjoy low real estate taxes. Coupled with home prices ranging from $200,000+ to over $2,000,000, Lake of the Woods is the perfect community for full-time residents and weekenders. But don’t take my word for it, please come see for yourself! I will gladly give you a tour of Lake of the Woods by boat and by car so that you may experience what’s to love in Lake of the Woods! Located in Orange County, we are fortunate to enjoy low real estate taxes. Coupled with home prices ranging from $200,000+ to over $2,000,000, Lake of the Woods is the perfect community for full-time residents and weekenders. But don’t take my word for it, please come see for yourself! I will gladly give you a tour of Lake of the Woods by boat and by car so that you may experience what’s to love in Lake of the Woods!

Whether you’re looking for homes for sale in Lake of the Woods VA or property in Virginia, we are your Real Estate Advisors for Stafford, Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, Locust Grove, Central Virginia, and Greater Virginia. Thinking of selling? In any market condition, “What is my home worth?” is the #1 question asked by homeowners. If you wish to sell your home, it needs to be sold for top dollar and in a timely manner. Pricing your home accurately, one of our expert advisors will partner with you to make the selling process so much easier. Get started today by calling us at (540) 388-2541 or 

contacting Pat Licata. To see available Lake of the Woods properties, please visit our site.

In February, 13 homes were SOLD in Lake of the Woods.

1 sold below $250,000.00

1 sold between $250,000-299,999;

3 sold between $300,000-349,999;

 2 sold between $350,000-399,999;

4 sold between $400,000-499,999;

1 sold between $500,000-$999,999;

1 sold above $1,000,000

17 Active/Coming Soon Listings for Sale

21 Homes Under Contract

28 Homes Sold from January 1, 2024, to February 28, 2024. Whether you’re looking for homes for sale in Lake of the Woods VA or Waterfront property in Virginia we are your Real Estate Advisors for Stafford, Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, Locust Grove, Central Virginia, and Greater Virginia. Thinking of selling? In any market condition, “What is my home worth?” is the #1 question asked by homeowners. If you wish to sell your home, it needs to be sold for top dollar and in a timely manner. Pricing your home accurately, Pat will partner with you to make the selling process so much easier. Get started today by calling us at (540) 388-2541 or contacting Pat Licata.