Tag Archives: buying advice

Essential Tips for Buying a Home During Summer

Summertime is most people’s favorite vacation period. Sometimes whole neighborhoods become deserted with everyone on a trip somewhere. Buying a home during summer can turn out to be a better option for you. The reason is the factors that are specific to this time of the year. Keep the following in mind to benefit from all the advantages of summer home shopping.

Summer offers a good time to check out neighborhoods

Your new home is not the only thing you should consider when you intend to relocate. It is also important to check out the neighborhood. Buying a home during summer is particularly suitable for that since most of your potential neighbors will be on vacation. It is a little funny when a new guy walks around the area staring at people’s yards. You don’t want the people living there to think your intentions are malicious. Use these holiday months to roam around your future neighborhood more freely and maybe even take some pictures. The schools are on break as well. You can go check that out without being mistaken for a suspicious stranger. 

Also, there is a good chance that the people who have put their homes on the market are also on vacation. Without the owner around, you can take the opportunity to make a more detailed inspection of the house or a condo you are viewing. As you know, there are certain things home sellers are required to disclose by law, but the rest you can make sure you don’t miss by taking a good look at it. And finally, there’s a good chance the real estate agent will tell you more about the property when the owners are absent. 

Aerial photo of a suburban neighborhood.
Buying a home during summer allows you to check out the neighborhood in peace.

In summer, days are longer, so there is more time to see the property

Summer is a time when days are longer. It has been scientifically proven that people’s natural energy levels are directly related to the amount of sunshine they get. With that in mind, in summer, it is more likely that the sellers will find it acceptable to have people over on their property until later in the day – simply because it is still daylight. That gives you more time as a buyer when the property is available for you to see. 

This may seem like an irrelevant thing to you. Yet, for those working long hours or having a tight schedule, purchasing a home in summer may be more realistic than when the viewing period is shorter. One of the experts from a moving company Beltway Movers, says that many of the people he worked with find it important that every aspect of buying a home is adjusted to their long working hours. Moving into a new home as well as viewing it is much better to do in daylight when the visibility is higher. With that in mind, these particular clients find that buying a home during summer is better suited for their tight schedules. 

Take advantage of the fact that there is less competition

As previously mentioned, summer is a time when most people choose to travel somewhere. The absence of potential buyers leaves agents with more time to devote to those that are present. This means if you are viewing a condo or a house, your agent will be able to answer more of your questions. You can even take this chance to discuss the situation on the market and get very useful advice and information. It is vital that you ask all that is of interest to you during the home viewing, so there are no nasty surprises later.

Another crucial thing is that with fewer people around, there will be fewer offers made. You will have a higher chance of getting the home of your dreams for a reasonable price because of that. If you notice there aren’t many people interested in that particular property, don’t wait too long with your offer. It may just be temporary until the vacations are over. Generally, smaller demand generates lower prices, and fewer offers create higher chances that yours will be the most favorable.  

Relocating in summer can be done more easily

Moving is never an easy task, especially if your new hometown is on the other side of Virginia. It is always a good idea to hire professionals who will give a helping hand and get you through this complex process smoothly during any season. Nevertheless, there are several reasons why making a big move in the summer is a better idea than at any other time of the year.

  • The school year is over. Moving when your kids have lots of school activities and disrupting their routines is a nightmare for any parent. Summer offers a solution for that in the form of the end of a school year. Your kids can even help with the move too. Also, enrolling in a new school is better at the beginning of a school year than in the middle. Being a new kid in class is easier than being that new kid who also has to catch up with the classes as well.
  • The weather is favorable for transportation. Driving a truck full of stuff is easier to do on dry roads. Naturally, they are more common in summer than in any other season. For example, wet and icy roads are often present in fall and winter. Those conditions are something truck drivers dread.
  • The yard sale is more efficient in summer. Your curb appeal is outstanding in summer. If you intend to organize a yard sale, summer might generate more profit for you.

Consider these reasons seriously. They can make a huge difference between a stress-free relocation and a tedious and nerve-wracking endeavor.

Two people carrying boxes out of the house.
Summer as a holiday season is a good time to move as well 

If you are buying a home that is not in your hometown, turn it into a fun trip

Speaking of relocation, aren’t you curious about the attractions and fun activities your new hometown has to offer? As you know, summer has a way of turning even the dullest of places into exploration-worthy areas. Typically, there are more interesting outdoorsy things to do in summer than in any other season. We advise turning this rather business-like activity of viewing potential homes into a trip for the whole family. Whether it is going to be a short break in your future hometown or a more extended staycation of a sort, you have the opportunity to approach buying a home during summer as a holiday with one obligation only and lots of enjoyment. 

A mother and daughter packing a suitcase to merge traveling and buying a home during summer.
Those that are viewing a home outside the city they currently live in can turn the experience into a fun family trip.

Final thoughts

Buying a home during summer can be a delight. Use all that long sunny days have to offer in Orange County, for example. As we have seen, shopping for a home in this mainly vacation-oriented season has many advantages. You can even merge buying a home with your own fun family traveling if your new hometown is on the other side of the country. Whatever you choose to do, we are sure this is a part of the year when you will find what you are looking for.

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Whether you’re looking for homes for sale in Lake of the Woods VA or Waterfront property in Virginia we are your Real Estate Advisors for Stafford, Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, Locust Grove, Central Virginia, and Greater Virginia. Thinking of selling? In any market condition, “what is my home worth?” is the #1 question asked by homeowners. If you wish to sell your home, it needs to be sold for top dollar and in a timely manner. Pricing your home accurately, Pat will partner with you to make the selling process so much easier. Get started today by calling us at (540) 388-2541 or contact Pat Licata.

To see available Lake of the Woods properties, please visit our site.

The Top 5 Things You Shouldn’t Do When Buying a Home

Key Takeaways:

  • In a competitive market, you want to make sure you’re doing everything right when it’s time to buy a new home.
  • Stability with your employment and finances is super important, so don’t make any sudden changes.
  • Don’t skip out on working with a buyer’s agent—an experienced real estate agent is an invaluable partner.

Buying a home is an exciting and sometimes nerve-wracking experience. In addition to finding the right place, you also have to find the right mortgage, and with low inventory in many markets and rising home prices nationwide, securing your dream home can be a challenge if you don’t make the right decisions when preparing to buy. Here are five of the most common mistakes you should avoid when buying a home.

1. Don’t open or close credit accounts

Closeup image of a woman holding and choosing credit card to use

Because mortgage lenders check your credit multiple times throughout the homebuying process, it is crucial that you do not open any new lines of credit or close any existing lines of credit. Doing so can lower your credit score and increase your debt-to-income ratio, both of which are reasons for a lender to deny approval.

It is always a good idea to pay off an existing line of credit, but closing the account removes that credit history from your report. Credit reporting bureaus use your length of available credit to generate your score, so leave your account open and active, but don’t use it until after closing.

2. Don’t switch jobs

Young woman waiting for interview indoors

The most important thing that mortgage lenders look at when considering pre-approval is an applicant’s employment stability. Typically, they want to see two consecutive years of uninterrupted income for approval. Any changes to employment status can signal that the loan may not be repaid—it can be a significant red flag that can derail or delay your closing. Make sure to tell your lender right away if a career change is unavoidable or if you do not have two consecutive years of verifiable income.

3. Don’t shop for homes you can’t afford

For Sale and Coming Soon realtor sign in front of large brick single family house in expansive grass yard for real estate opportunity

Typically, most prospective homeowners can afford a mortgage between two and two-and-a-half times their gross annual income. An easy way to think of this is not exceeding more than 30% of your income.So, if a lender tells you that you can borrow a lot more than that, you should probably find a new lender because your monthly payments may not be manageable if you max out your loan. Use a mortgage calculator before you visit with a lender to help you estimate monthly payments.

Also, consider that homeownership comes with additional expenses you will need to save for, like maintenance, repairs, insurance, property taxes, homeowner’s association fees (if applicable), and other unforeseen costs. The last thing you want to do is stretch your monthly budget to cover your mortgage, which will eliminate your liquid cash flow for your other financial obligations, like car payments, student loans, and your savings goals.

4. Don’t skip the inspection

Inspector work home building before complete project

Waiving a home inspection can be a costly mistake, and unless you have extra cash to fix up a home, you are gambling with the cost of unforeseen repairs. Home inspections find potential critical issues with the structure and integrity of a house, such as cracked pipes and water damage. They are built into the home buying process to protect the buyer’s investment.

Paid by the buyer and non-refundable, the home inspection fee is a small price to pay when considering today’s costs to replace a furnace, water heater, roof or other costly items.

Without an inspection, you will have no recourse if a significant issue surfaces after you close on your home. So when you make an offer on a home, include a home inspection contingency that gives you a penalty-free exit from the deal if a major issue is unresolvable before closing.

5. Don’t forget to hire an agent!

Portrait of happy real estate agent looking at the camera while her clients are standing in the background.

Searching for a home on your own is both time-consuming and complicated. That’s why the help of a professional, experienced real estate agent who knows how to navigate the market will guide you to make the best investment of your money.

Also, if you go to showings without a real estate agent, a seller’s agent may offer to represent you. This can be risky because that agent’s goal is to get as much money for their client as possible from you, the buyer. In addition to helping you negotiate, a qualified real estate agent will have access to home listings before the general public becomes aware of them.

Best of all, the cost of enlisting an agent won’t come directly out of your pocket. Instead, the seller typically pays it to the seller’s agent, who splits the commission with the buyer’s agent!

Do Find Your Real Estate Team Today!

When it comes to buying a home, there’s a million little details to keep track of. Work with an experienced real estate agent to help you navigate the entire process, avoid pitfalls, and get you the home you’ve been dreaming of. Contact us today to get started!

Whether you’re looking for homes for sale in Lake of the Woods VA or Waterfront property in Virginia we are your Real Estate Advisors for Stafford, Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, Locust Grove, Central Virginia, and Greater Virginia. Thinking of selling? In any market condition, “what is my home worth?” is the #1 question asked by homeowners. If you wish to sell your home, it needs to be sold for top dollar and in a timely manner. Pricing your home accurately, Pat will partner with you to make the selling process so much easier. Get started today by calling us at (540) 388-2541 or contact Pat Licata.

To see available Lake of the Woods properties, please visit our site.

Buying Your First House After 60

House buying is always an exciting process. Stressful but still exciting. The feeling of owning a property you can call your home is indescribable. Therefore, in this article, we chose not to pay attention to numerous homebuying myths, such as that buying a house at 60 years old isn’t a good idea. Instead, let’s focus on how you can fulfill your wishes now that you are financially stable and plan out your retirement. The following article shares tips for buying your first house after 60. 

Tips for buying your first house after 60

Moving homes, even if you were a renter for many years, brings significant changes. Thus, it can be difficult, no matter what your reasons are. For example, you might want to buy your first house because now is the right time or be closer to your family. 

For whichever reason you are purchasing a home, you can do a couple of things to make the transition seamless. For instance, hiring a professional realtor to find the best match for you and then hiring a moving company skilled at senior relocations to assist in this process is of extreme value. Then, with the right people on your team, each home buying and relocating will be as easy as possible since they have your best interests in mind.

So, without further ado, let’s look at the tips for seniors on their first homebuying adventure.

1. Hire a realtor 

First things first, you need to hire someone professional to lead you through the process. It’s worth keeping in mind that there’s a difference between a realtor and a reliable realtor. Also, you’ll want to make sure the one you end up hiring has credentials, so don’t be shy to ask them about those.

a realtor with a happy senior couple

Caption: Hiring a Senior Real Estate Specialist is beneficial when buying your first house after 60.

Alt tag: a realtor with a happy senior couple

If your agent is also a Senior Real Estate Specialist, that can only mean they undoubtedly know what they’re doing. This means they have completed training to specifically help people in the 50+ range successfully buy a home. 

2. Check your mortgage options

As a senior, you might have saved up enough money and decided to buy a house and pay in cash. It is an excellent idea if you are not tying up all of your money in the home. Additionally, paying in cash will make you a competitive buyer in the market.

On the other hand, buying a debt-free home isn’t a must. Purchasing your first house after 60 with a mortgage makes your assets liquid. You can still qualify for a competitive mortgage in retirement.

Luckily, there are helpful tips for each generation in the home buying process to help you understand how mortgage approval works when you’re not working. 

Finally, it would be wise to check with your bank or credit union if mortgage insurance is worth the cost of the premiums. It would be good to have this one, especially if you are risk-aware.

3. Understand your needs, don’t just go for what looks good

The houses you will consider greatly depend on your living situation, income, and plans. However, it would be wise not to be influenced by the property’s floorplan, size, convenience, or location. Instead, you will need to evaluate things differently as a senior buyer.

For instance, large houses might be appealing. However, you might quickly become overwhelmed by all the space you have to maintain after some years pass. 

4. Consider the future when buying your first house after 60

As a senior home buyer, your future will be focused on taking care of yourself instead of your children and family. 

Therefore, it would be a good idea to look for homes that can easily be remodeled. For example, you might want to look into houses that can be equipped with handicap-accessible features, such as ramps, lower countertops, and doorways.

At a minimum, a home appropriate for aging-in-place should have complete first-floor living with a wide doorway (wide enough for a wheelchair), ideally a step-free entrance, and be close to public transit and community resources.

5. Understand your budget

Apart from your monthly mortgage, you need to be aware of all the other costs. Some of the everyday expenses are:

  • property taxes
  • utilities
  • car petrol
  • medical bills
  • groceries
  • some other debts you might have
  • any potential repairs and miscellaneous expenses.

It would help if you considered all of these factors when home shopping in your sixties.

a man's hands stacking up on three piles of coins

Caption: You will need to think of all the expenses before committing to a home purchase.

Alt tag: a man’s hands stacking up on three piles of coins

6. Be realistic about your future health needs

When talking about finances, it would be good to consider what they will be like ten years from now. What type of needs will you have then? If the need arises, will you have the means to hire in-home caregivers? Will you need someone to transport you somewhere or take care of your lawn for you?

Even though we don’t think about the future in this way, it’s wise to be realistic when deciding on such a big step. The seniors who have a strong support system from their children and family don’t have much to worry about. However, sometimes the help of a loved one isn’t enough. For example, your house might need a professional repair, like converting your home to be wheelchair accessible. 

Therefore, it would be good to think about your finances in the future and how you will cover some unexpected expenses.

7. Determine your relocation

Finally, once you find the right home, the work isn’t done yet. The moving still awaits. The relocation specialists from Zippy Shell Moving and Storage NV recommend looking for a reputable company with experience in senior moving. Professional movers have the tools and expertise needed for heavy lifting, maximizing packing space, and transporting the items while ensuring safety.

Additionally, you can be in charge of handling your smaller keepsake items if you wish. However, the heavy lifting is best left to a professional to reduce any injury risks to yourself or your things. 

buying your first house after 60 means stability and more quality time with your spouse

Caption: Once you relocate, you can enjoy the process of giving the house your personal touch with your spouse.

Alt tag: buying your first house after 60 means stability and more quality time with your spouse

Final considerations 

To summarize, buying your first house after 60 isn’t impossible or that difficult. With the right people on your team who know all the tricks on homebuying, we are sure you will find a home suitable for you, your financial situation, and your future plans.

Meta description: If you’ve rented your whole life and now want to have a secure place to grow old at, here are the tips on buying your first house after 60!

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Whether you’re looking for homes for sale in Lake of the Woods VA or Waterfront property in Virginia we are your Real Estate Advisors for Stafford, Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, Locust Grove, Central Virginia, and Greater Virginia. Thinking of selling? In any market condition, “what is my home worth?” is the #1 question asked by homeowners. If you wish to sell your home, it needs to be sold for top dollar and in a timely manner. Pricing your home accurately, Pat will partner with you to make the selling process so much easier. Get started today by calling us at (540) 388-2541 or contact Pat Licata.

To see available Lake of the Woods properties, please visit our site.

Buying or Selling in 2022? Look for an Agent with These 10 Qualities

Key Takeaways:

  • In today’s hot market, it’s more important than ever to choose the right agent to help you buy or sell a home.
  • Real estate agents don’t just offer local expertise—their insider knowledge and marketing prowess come in handy, too.
  • Thinking about making a move in the new year? Contact us to start planning now!

Here Are the Top 10 Qualities Every Successful Real Estate Agent Should Have

Did you know that 75% of buyers and sellers work with the first agent they meet? It’s true—but that doesn’t mean it’s the best decision. If you want to come out on top in today’s competitive market, experts often recommend interviewing a few candidates before settling on the right real estate professional for the job. And if you’re not sure where to start, we’ve outlined 10 qualities of a highly successful agent.

They keep up with the latest sold data

Analyzing real estate sold data

Whether you’re buying or selling a home, you’ll want to keep up with the latest sold data for your neighborhood of choice. Sold data reports consist of homes that recently sold in your area, as well as their final prices. Not only do these numbers help sellers determine an accurate list price, but they can also be used by buyers to gauge an area’s affordability. A top-notch agent should be willing to provide you with up-to-date data every step of the way.

They know what’s happening in the real estate market

It’s hard to know what the real estate market will look like next year. But with careful forecasting, a local agent should be able to provide some valuable insight. Agents can educate buyers and sellers on everything from price fluctuations to mortgage rates—just make sure they’re using accurate data to back up their predictions.

They’re social media savvy

Real estate agent using social media

Nowadays, home-buying and selling primarily happens on the internet. According to recent research, over 95% of buyers start searching for properties online, which makes it imperative that agents maintain an active presence on their social platforms. Be sure to ask your agent about the virtual tools they offer buyers and sellers, such as access to the MLS, social media promotion, and paid advertising. Bonus points if they have their own website, too!

They have a network of contacts

When it comes to buying or selling a home, it truly takes a village. A well-connected agent can refer you to their network of local contacts, such as plumbers, landscapers, lawyers, and so much more. You’ll rest easy knowing that you can trust their recommendations for local service providers!

Their referrals are positive

Buyer or seller leaving online feedback

If an agent provides legendary customer service, their past clients are more than willing to leave positive feedback—or even refer them to their loved ones! Ask your potential agent about their reviews, or take a look online to see what previous buyers and sellers have to say about working with them.

They’re punctual

This one should be a given! The current real estate market moves faster than ever before, which makes punctuality an even more important quality than usual. If your agent is on-time (or early!) to your appointments, you’ll know they’re treating you like a priority.

It’s easy to get in touch

Scheduling an appointment with a real estate agent

Keeping in touch is key when it comes to real estate, so you’ll want to share the same method of communication as your agent. Tell your agent from the beginning whether you prefer to text, email, or talk on the phone. Not responding in a timely manner is a big red flag.

They’re shrewd negotiators

Buyers and sellers alike should look for an agent with top-notch negotiation skills to get them the best possible price. And if you want to evaluate a real estate agent’s prowess, just ask yourself this question: how well did they negotiate with you to win your business?

They’ve built their own brand

Buyers getting the keys to their new home

Real estate agents don’t just help you buy or sell a home—they need to be expert marketers on both sides of the transaction. Solid branding can help agents rise to the top of the competition and build a reputation that people rely on, trust, and recognize. Exploring an agent’s social media and website can give you a good idea of their personal branding strategies.

You get along with them

When you’re trusting someone with one of your biggest investments, it’s crucial to get along on both a professional and personal level. If you can’t have difficult conversations with your agent—or if you don’t get along with them—consider going with another candidate. Personality can sometimes trump experience!

Find the Right Agent for Your Move

Ready to start planning your 2022 move? Now is the time to find the perfect agent for the job! Contact us today to learn more about what we bring to the table, or explore our other resources to get a head start on buying or selling. We’re always here to offer superior service throughout every step of the transaction!

Whether you’re looking for homes for sale in Lake of the Woods VA or Waterfront property in Virginia we are your Real Estate Advisors for Stafford, Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, Locust Grove, Central Virginia, and Greater Virginia. Thinking of selling? In any market condition, “what is my home worth?” is the #1 question asked by homeowners. If you wish to sell your home, it needs to be sold for top dollar and in a timely manner. Pricing your home accurately, Pat will partner with you to make the selling process so much easier. Get started today by calling us at (540) 388-2541 or contact Pat Licata.

To see available Lake of the Woods properties, please visit our site.

4 Tips to Ace Your First Home Purchase

If you ask a homeowner what it was like to buy their first home, they’ll probably mention a few things they’d change if they could do it all again. While it’s impossible to know everything about the home-buying process beforehand, you can still prepare yourself for what lies ahead—and figure out how to avoid some potential pitfalls. Not sure where to begin? Here are some key pointers to keep in mind before starting your search.

You’re Buying More Than a House


We all know the phrase “love at first sight,” and it can certainly apply to homes, too! Even if you step inside a home and instantly fall in love, it’s crucial to step back and consider the whole picture before making a purchase.

When you buy your first property, you’re investing in more than just four walls. It’s worth paying attention to things like a home’s location, neighborhood, and physical condition, too. Even if you find that open concept kitchen you’ve been dreaming of, it might not be the right fit if it’s in the wrong community or if the rest of the house requires out-of-budget repairs. It’s best to stay realistic and listen to your agent’s (and home inspector’s) advice. Remember, this is likely one of the biggest investments you’ll ever make, so spend your money wisely!

Down Payments Are Different for Everyone

Piggy bank and house figure

So many would-be buyers are scared of homeownership for one reason: the down payment. Traditionally, you’d put down around 20% on a home and spend anywhere from 10 to 30 years paying your lender back. However, you actually have more flexibility than you might expect. 

Depending on your credit history, location, and occupation, you could be eligible for loans that require as little as 0% down. However, making a larger down payment means you’ll pay less interest to your lender in the long run. Be sure to shop around for the right fit and reach out to your agent with any questions—they’re always available to help you out. 

Prepare for Extra Expenses

House fund coin jar

Homeownership often comes with unexpected expenses, especially right after you move in. When you’re setting a budget for your big purchase, consider adding some wiggle room to allow for any additional and long term costs. You don’t want to realize that you can’t afford your home after you’ve purchased it!

Wondering what kinds of expenses can come up? Inspections, homeowner’s insurance, prepaid taxes and other various closing costs, HOA dues, and repairs are just a few possibilities. You’ll pay for some of these before or at the closing, but certain recurring costs will have to be factored into your monthly budget. 

Get Pre-Approved Before You Start Searching

Tax forms with phone and coffee cup

Once you’ve made the decision to buy, it’s tempting to start looking at listings right away. However, you might want to press pause and complete an essential step before you start scheduling showings. Getting pre-approved for your loan will show sellers and agents that you’re serious about buying—and it can tell you exactly how much you can afford to spend.

Ready to start the pre-approval process? First, you’ll want to get your finances in order and shop around for the right lender. Be sure to have all of your important documents on hand, such as your W-2 tax form, paystubs, and social security card. Most lenders allow you to apply online, and within a few business days, you’ll know whether you’ve been approved or not, as well as the conditions of the loan. 

Are You a First-Time Buyer?

Buying your first home is a big deal, and it’s important to have the right agent by your side throughout the process. If you’re ready to start your search, feel free to reach out to us with any questions. We can’t wait to help jumpstart your journey to homeownership!

 Whether you’re looking for homes for sale in Fredericksburg, Stafford, Orange, Locust Grove, Norther Virginia or even Maryland or DC, we are your Real Estate team committed to finding the perfect home for you! Thinking of selling? In any market condition, “what is my home worth?” is the #1 question asked by homeowners. If you wish to sell your home, it needs to be sold for top dollar, and in a timely manner. Pricing your home accurately, one of our area expert advisors will partner with you to make the selling process so much easier. Get started today by calling us at (540) 388-2541 or contact Pat Licata.

To see available properties, please visit our website licatagroup.com