Tag Archives: elderly

LOWLINC Membership Information Session October 28 at the Lake of the Woods Community Center

LOWLINC Membership Information Session October 28 at the Lake of the Woods Community Center By Pat Licata REALTOR®
On Wednesday, October 28 from 10AM-12PM, LOWLINC will hold a membership information session at the Community Center. The mission of LOWLINC, a 501(c)3 non-profit, is “…to enable seniors and those with physical and cognitive challenges who reside at LOW to continue living fully and independently in their homes for as long as possible.” There are currently over 30 volunteers who are excited to help older residents of Lake of the Woods. Membership is fee-based, with the goal being to provide subsidies for residents in need. RSVP to carolyn@lowlinc.org or Jeri F. at 972-2180. Jeri is the person to contact if you need a ride to/from the meeting. Click here for more information!
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