On Saturday, August 13, the Tennis Committee will be hosting a Tennis Social at 9 AM. Activities will run from 9 AM until 11 AM, with a mixed doubles format. Please call to reserve your spot with Gloria and Wilbert Brown at 540-972-2450. Bring a light dish to share for brunch in the gazebo afterwards. Cost is $2 per player.
If you’d like to know what great Lake of the Woods real estate is available, click here. It’s another beautiful day at the lake!
By Pat Licata-REALTOR
In Lake of the Woods in July, a total of 27 homes were sold. 24 were standard sale, of which one sold under $100K, two sold between $100-$175K, ten between $175-250K, five between $250-350K, and four between $350-500K and two over $500K. There were a total of three distressed sales (foreclosures or short sales), one between $100-175K, one between $175-250K, and one between $250-350K. Two lots also sold, priced under $10,000.
Here’s a link to real estate currently for sale in Lake of the Woods: LOW active listings It’s another beautiful day at the lake!
Lake of the Woods, VA, Real Estate Stats for January 2016 By Pat Licata REALTOR® In the month of January, a total of only 4 homes were sold. 3 were standard sale, 1 between $100-$175K, 1 between $250-350K, and 1 over $500K. There was 1 foreclosure in the $100-175K price range. There weren’t any short sales sold in January, and no lots sold either.
However, don’t let those low January real estate stats fool you. February is hot! Within the last two weeks, 4 of my listings have gone under contract, I just received an offer on another listing, and my team has written two offers for buyers. If you are thinking of selling in the not-so-distant future, check out this blog post for some tips to make it easier when the time is right for you: Tips for LOW Sellers
Here’s a link to real estate currently for sale in Lake of the Woods: LOW active listings It’s another beautiful day at the lake!
Lake of the Woods Market Stats Through 11/30/15 By Pat Licata-REALTOR
In Lake of the Woods in October, a total of 14 homes were sold. 11 were standard sale, of which three sold between $100-$175K, two between $175-250K, and six between $250-350K. There was one foreclosure at under $100k, and three in the $100-175K price range. There were two short sales, both selling between $175-250K. 5 lots also sold, two of which closed for over $100K.
Here’s a link to real estate currently for sale in Lake of the Woods: LOW active listings It’s another beautiful day at the lake!