written by: Fred Pulis, Member, LOW Veterans Club
As the nation gets ready to celebrate Memorial Day on Monday, May 31, the LOW Veterans Club will provide an impressive outside ceremony honoring those individuals who have died on military active duty during service to their country. The approximately one-hour event starting at noon at the flagpole in front of the Lake of the Woods Clubhouse will feature several ways of recognizing those individuals who paid the ultimate price of their lives for their country.
Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day on May 5, 1868 because it was a day to decorate the graves of lost loved ones. Subsequently the name was changed to Memorial Day and was declared to be a national holiday honoring the men and women who died while serving in the United States military.
LOW residents and their guests are invited to witness the true meaning of Memorial Day. Some of the patriotic events include proper raising and lowering of the American Flag, reading of the names of the LOW veterans who died in 2020, description of the historic meaning of Memorial Day, and the presentation of the wreath. Also, newly assigned LOW Veterans Club bugler, Tom Ackman, is a member of the “Buglers Across America” will perform taps.
In the spirit and intent of honoring fallen armed forces personnel the LOW Veterans Club recommends the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF) a nonprofit organization that funded the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall located in Washington, DC. VVMF has created an In Memory plaque which contains names of the Vietnam veterans who have lost their lives as a result of their service in Vietnam.
Veterans so honored who have succumbed to: Exposure to Agent Orange; PTSD/Suicide; Cancer; Diabetes; Heart Disease, and Parkinson ’s disease. For more information contact VVMF at InMemory@vvmf.org.
For further information about the LOW Veterans Club and its activities, please contact club president Mike Ferguson at 571-972-5313 or email him at colmferguson@msn.com.

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