Save the date for November 20th from 1 pm – 4 pm at the LOW Clubhouse.
There will be 21 committee booths set up for community residents to visit and learn about the different opportunities available for them to volunteer to serve as a member, alternate, or advisor! Do you know all 21 of the different committees available for residents to join and how you can participate? It’s a perfect time to connect with other community residents and meet current and former committee members.
There will be door prizes given out, free punch and cookies for guests, and a cash bar held in the members’ lounge.
From the Board of Boating Examiners to Communications and External Affairs, there’s a little of everything for everyone. Including and certainly not limited to Pickleball/Tennis, Planning Committee, Safety, and Security, these are only a handful of the 21 different committees to join. Come out Saturday, November 20th to the LOWA Committee Fair to see what interests you!

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