How to Keep the Spirit of Thanksgiving Alive Year-Round

The month of November is often associated with feelings of abundance and gratitude–yet once Thanksgiving has passed, many of us revert to being absorbed by the more negative or mundane aspects of daily life. While it may not be possible to feel grateful all the time, there are many benefits to making an effort to incorporate gratitude into your life far beyond Thanksgiving. For example, gratitude has been linked to physical and mental health benefits such as a stronger immune system, better relationships, a more optimistic attitude, and greater overall happiness.

As you prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving, here are a few ideas for channeling the spirit of the season and incorporating gratitude into your everyday life year-round:

  • While maintaining a gratitude journal is not a new idea, there are some specific techniques that may help you get the most out of your practice. For instance, try not to overthink it: simply jot down a few things you feel thankful for each day. Be as specific as possible, and focus on the ordinary details of your day-to-day life. Entries in your journal don’t need to be lengthy or well-written; they simply serve to highlight the positive aspects of your life and provide you with a source of joy on bleaker days. If you have a day where you’re struggling to feel grateful for anything, try to identify something you normally take for granted, such as “clean drinking water” or “air conditioning.”
  • Thinking back on your past, reflect on obstacles you’ve overcome and difficult times through which you have persevered. Focus on how they made you stronger, and appreciate how your life has improved since then. By making the choice to let go of past hurts, you will free yourself to welcome future happiness.
  • Live in the moment, without dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Savor even the most ordinary experiences and try to view them as opportunities for growth..
  • Most people try to show the world the best aspects of their lives while concealing the negative. Therefore, you never really know what someone is going through, and allowing feelings of jealousy to consume you is a waste of energy. Instead, focus on making your own life the best it can possibly be without comparing your journey to that of others.


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