Tag Archives: Pat Licata REALTOR

August 2015 Real Estate Statistics for Lake of the Woods, VA

August 2015 Real Estate Statistics for Lake of the Woods By Pat Licata REALTOR®
houseforsale1In the month of August, a total of 17 homes were sold. 13 were standard sale, 4 between $100-$175K, 4 between $175-250K, 3 between $250-350K, 1 between $350-500K, and 1 over $500K. There were a total of 4 foreclosures, 1 under $100k, and 3 in the $100-175K price range. There were no short sales in August.  Two lots also sold, and they both closed for under $100K.
Here’s a link to real estate currently for sale in Lake of the Woods: LOW active listings
It’s another beautiful day at the lake!
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Locust Grove Middle School Principal Named Best in State of VA!

Locust Grove Middle School Principal Named Best in State of VA! By Pat Licata REALTOR
The Virginia Middle School Association has named Kim Crandall, Principal of Locust Grove Middle School, Master in the Middle School Educator of the Year for 2014! She became Principal in 2011 when the Middle School opened. Principal Crandall received her Bachelors in English from Anderson University and a Masters in Women’s Studies from Harvard University. She was nominated for the award by several of the teachers at LGMS.
“According to the Virginia Middle School Association, the award recognizes educators who serve in roles other than as classroom teachers who have demonstrated a devotion to working with young adolescents and have demonstrated a commitment to best middle level practices.”
Congratulations, Principal Crandall!
For the original story, click here.
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Aerial Tour of Lake of the Woods, VA!

Aerial Tour of Lake of the Woods! By Pat Licata REALTOR

Whether you’re looking for homes for sale in Lake of the Woods VA or Waterfront property in Virginia we are your Real Estate Advisors for Stafford, Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, Locust Grove, Central Virginia, and Greater Virginia. Thinking of selling? In any market condition, “what is my home worth?” is the #1 question asked by home owners. If you wish to sell your home, it needs to be sold for top dollar and in a timely manner. Pricing your home accurately, Pat will partner with you to make the selling process so much easier. Get started today by calling us at (540) 388-2541 or contact Pat Licata.

To see available Lake of the Woods properties, please visit our site.

Saved by the Bell

Both Beau and I found ourselves in a precarious situation recently. And I have my beloved Carl, the swan that adopted me and ignited my passion for wildlife and writing, to thank for my having been in that position at all. I, who have only been in the lake once in 4 years (unintentionally, I might add; but that is another story!), was at Clubhouse beach with shoes off and pant legs rolled up, ready to go into the lake on a cold, windy November day to rescue a swan named Beau. Fortunately, we were both saved by the bell…fellow resident and swan enthusiast Patty Bell, that is!
Like most swan rescue operations in which I’ve been involved, they begin with a phone call. It was Patty who called this time to tell me about her regular, Beau, who had shown up at her house sporting an unfashionable necklace of sorts. Upon further discussing Beau with Patty, I realized that her Beau was my Jaws, a name I affectionately bestowed upon him due to his recognizable underbite (see photo). After a few attempts by Patty to remove the unwanted accessory, Beau became spooked and no longer would allow her to get close to him. The following day, Beau didn’t arrive at Patty’s home at dawn, as was the customary routine. And so the “hunt” began.
Postings on facebook, emails to residents with the help of another fellow resident and swan enthusiast Marge Eales, and driving around to various locations in search of Beau didn’t produce any sightings. So Patty, with the help of her husband, John, did a sweep of the lake on their pontoon boat. Surely enough, they spotted Beau at Clubhouse beach! Upon finding him, Patty called me. And so the “fun” began.
Beau toyed with us repeatedly for a while…coming close enough to the beach for us to think we had a chance to nab him before swimming away. As I was coming to grips with the fact that I would have to go in the water after him, I thought of a way to entice him onto the beach. I ran to the Clubhouse as quickly as possible, and Joey was right there to help save the day! She gave me a dinner roll, which Beau, like the residents who frequent the Clubhouse, couldn’t resist. One bite of that roll, and Beau belonged to us! He followed the crumbs we spread far enough onto the sand that I knew I would thankfully be spared the cold water.
Surely enough, with patience, I found myself in position to lunge forward and grab his neck. Patty quickly secured his flapping wings and pulled the plastic ring up over his head! Mission accomplished!!
My co-worker, Carol, realized that Beau’s necklace was actually the hard plastic housing or casing that surrounds a light on a boat. What most likely happened is that Beau, while feeding on the bottom of the lake, picked it up over his head accidentally. This could have had tragic consequences, as Beau could have easily gotten the plastic caught on something. So please…if you see any debris in the lake, take a moment or two to remove it.
It takes a community to look after our non-human residents, too! Won’t you please help us by joining our informal “wildlife watch” group? If interested, please email me at plicata@mris.com.
Until next time…”It’s another beautiful day at the lake!”
Pat Licata, REALTOR
Licata on the Lake

The Lake is Awake!

The Lake is Awake!

The sounds, sights, and smells are undeniable: the lake is awake! With spring comes increased activity, and my excitement also increases as I uncover more evidence of my favorite outdoor time of the year at the lake. Although I am fortunate enough to enjoy Lake of the Woods all year, I receive droves of visitors in the spring and summer, so I share my beautiful community with family and friends most during these seasons.

Familiar sounds include the woodpecker pecking on its favorite tree, the many varieties of birds chirping, the geese honking one of their 13 calls, the owls hooting, the flapping of the swan’s immense wings in flight as they land on the lake in my cove, the quacking of the ducks, the laughter of the children as they play in the water or fish, the engines of the jetskiis and boats, the cries of the hawks, and the chatter of my cats as they watch the squirrels and birds through the screened door. What’s missing? The sounds of the frogs!

The sights are welcomed, as well: longer lines of additional cars coming through the gates, the turtles sunning themselves on the rocks at Turtle Island, the majestic blue heron’s dusk flight to its home in the tree across the cove, the swans doing the love dance or sitting on nests, the geese cruising with their quickly-growing goslings, migratory waterfowl choosing our lake as a resting spot on their way to their breeding ground, bunnies seemingly hiding in the grass, my resident chipmunk running from my front yard to the back patio to hide in the hose of the leaf blower (and I do have visions of him being catapulted out like a cannon if my husband doesn’t confirm its whereabouts prior to starting the engine), my resident squirrels playing in the yard and in the trees, flowers and trees in bloom, fresh mulch adorning residents’ landscaping, the acrobatic flight of the purple martins, people walking, running, biking, kayaking, sailing, fishing, golfing, and dining on the deck of the clubhouse.

The smells are also a sure sign: freshly laid mulch, freshly cut grass, the fragrance of the flowers, and meals being cooked on the grill.

To me, Lake of the Woods represents a community that offers amazingly varied activities for those of all ages, fantastic amenities, and the most incredible people with whom to share them both. By partaking in the community, I am enjoying wonderful experiences (while making fabulous memories in the process) simply by being a part of it. Won’t you join me in fully participating in, and appreciating, Lake of the Woods?

Until next time…It’s another beautiful day at the lake!

Pat Licata, REALTOR

Licata on the Lake

The Magical Lights of Summer Nights

Growing up as a child, I looked forward to summer: longer days, staying out later than usual, no school, sleeping in, swimming at the pool, and…lightening bugs! I fell in love with the mystery of lightening bugs. I spent hours chasing and catching them; I thought of them as my own personal stars to wish upon–to capture them was to capture magic. Ashamedly, I must admit that I suffocated my fair share in jars or did irreparable damage making rings with these amazing creatures. I hadn’t given much thought to my crimes as a child until the dog I recently inherited from my daughter, Alle, began snapping them up as I watched in horror! Unfortunately, this is just one of my new friend’s bad habits that I will be spending my time correcting…
There are estimated to be more than 2000 species of lightening bugs, or fireflies, as they are often also called, inhabiting every continent except Antarctica. Emanating from the abdomen/tail, the light emitted by some of these species is green, some an amber flicker, and some emit no light at all; some simply glow with a green or blue light! Typically it is the male who flies around, lighting the night as a mating call to the female, who lounges in the trees. If she is so inclined, she will light up after the male’s last emission to signify that she is a willing participant.
What causes lightening bugs to light up? The magic of two chemicals that are found in the tail/abdomen: luciferase and luciferin, which light up in the presence of ATP, the energy currency molecule of the cell that every animal possesses. When these chemicals are injected into diseased cells of humans, they detect changes in cells that are useful in studying diseases such as muscular dystrophy and cancer. Amazingly, spacecraft has also been fitted with electronic detectors built from these chemicals to detect life in outer space. On the earth, they are used to help detect bacterial contamination.
The light emitted by the lightening bug is considered “cold light” because it doesn’t produce any heat. It is exceptionally efficient, as 100% of the energy is emitted as light. Compare this to an incandescent bulb, which emits only 10% of its energy as light and the rest as heat. No wonder incandescent bulbs are no longer produced!
After mating, the female deposits eggs onto the ground, typically under tree bark and/or in a moist place. The larvae then feed on snails, slugs, and earthworms. They are able to do this because of the chemical they inject into their prey, which paralyzes it and aids in digestion. The adults may feed on pollen and plant nectar, or may not eat at all, as they only live long enough to mate and lay eggs. Some females are quite the actresses, as they trick males of another species into thinking they want to mate. As soon as he lands, he becomes a meal. Best case scenario is that a lightening bug will live for a year.
Sadly, lightening bugs appear to be disappearing! Most likely this is due to light pollution and loss of habitat. Our forests and fields are diminishing because of development, and as our population grows, so does our need for electricity. Too much light at night interrupts the mating ritual of flickering or flashing. Both of these factors are having a negative impact on our population of lightening bugs.
At Lake of the Woods, we are fortunate to provide the perfect environment for these “stars of summer” to continue to shine. My wish is that our future generations will also have the opportunity to enjoy the magic and mystery of the “flying lights.”
Until next time…It’s another beautiful day at the lake!
Pat Licata, REALTOR
Licata on the Lake
References: firefly.org; backyardnature.net; trueorigin.org

I'll Take Fake!

Earlier in the week, I received a call about a downed swan over by the small lake. I left my office and rushed over to find it, only to learn that it was dead. Last night, I was told there was a swan on a resident’s property on Birchside that hadn’t moved for days. Immediately I called Kaylee, the rehabilitator, putting her on notice while thinking the worst.  I rushed over there this morning at 7:30, crate in my car, blankets, towels…all ready for a rescue. What I found was…a handsome, plump, plastic swan! Oh well, better plastic than injured or ill! An interesting way to begin my day at Lake of the Woods!
Until next time…it’s another beautiful day at the lake!