Force of habit is a powerful thing, especially when it comes to settling in a property. As you are a human being, it’s to be expected you’re attached to the piece of earth you’ve lived on for so long. But, the time comes when it’s just better to leave your nest and find a new one. How do you know for sure? Here are seven clear signs it’s time to sell your house.
1# No more room for your children
Your little ones are the most valuable thing you have. Normally, you want the best of the best for them. Sometimes, in the buying process, people overlook the number of children they want to have or have financial struggles during the time. It’s all fun and games while your kids are younger and don’t require much space. But, when puberty hits, every one of their personalities becomes way too big for the shared space. You might look forward to the wine festival on Mother’s day way more than you should simply because of all that stress a cramped up house brings. So, it’s best (for everyone’s mental health especially) to start looking for a bigger space with more rooms. Four walls (painted black during an emo phase) will contain the chaotic hormonal storm at least a little bit.
Teenage anger spreads like wildfire in a tiny space. If you feel like it’s affecting you too – it’s time to upsize.
2# There are no great schools nearby
The second thing related to children is the choice of a school for them. It’s also an important indicator you should consider selling and moving to a different neighborhood or even city. Education is crucial for your kids’ future, and it’s to be expected to be your top priority. According to the experience of expert movers at, many young couples overlook the schooling system factors when buying a house, and that’s why they end up selling their property after a few years down the line. If the schools in your neighborhood don’t meet the standards and your wishes for your kid, it’s probably time to move.
3# Your home starts to give you itchy feet
Once the phrase ‘home, sweet home’ doesn’t apply to your house, it’s time to move on to something different. Your house should be the place where you feel relaxed and at ease. A place where you look forward to coming back to after a tough day at work. If the time comes that you start feeling contained and not tucked away between your four walls, it’s time to flee.
‘Oh that gorgeous house downtown’
When you start looking at other houses, it’s a sign that something’s not quite right with your own. Maybe you didn’t have the money for your dream house at the time of buying. Perhaps you’re retired, your kids are living their lives, and now you want to watch cherry blossoms in spring and do gardening in a lovely little purple house. Possibly, you just want an upgrade. These are all positive signs that you should consider a change of residence.
Not many things make you feel as alive as watching cherries bloom
4# If the renovation won’t help – it’s time to sell your house
When you attach many memories to a living space, you will indeed look for a way to renovate it to fit your needs before even thinking of selling. But, when you think about renovations, all you do is end up with a long list of chores and tasks. When deciding whether to renovate or sell, there are three crucial questions to ask yourself.
What will better fit your budget?
Will renovating fix the issue for good or just temporary?
Is it even possible to renovate?
Some old houses could be so fragile that renovation would just ruin them. Also, if you start adding walls to the list of things you want to tear down – it may be best to start looking for the new ones.
5# You don’t ‘feel’ the neighborhood anymore
People change. Maybe you’ve changed drastically. Or your neighbors did. Or, there’s been a significant makeover of your neighborhood – they built a mall or tore down your favorite bakery. Whatever the reason, you don’t feel as welcome and at peace in your area. It’s pretty stressful to feel you don’t fit in. If you feel like you don’t fit in, it’s best to find a new property, call local movers in Virginia to help you pack your stuff, and reach your new home stress-free. You don’t have to move across the globe to experience that much-needed change – you can simply move across the city. The mere desire to do so is undoubtedly one of the signs it’s time to sell your house.
6# It’s the perfect time in real estate
Since the pandemic, there’s been an increasingly positive shift in the real estate market around the US. The local market in Lake of the Woods is no different. If a sale has even crossed your mind in the past, you might want to seriously consider taking advantage of the ‘housing bubble’ before it bursts. It might be a good idea to have an appointment with a real estate agent, in any case, just to be fully educated and aware of your options.
A meeting with a real estate agent can help you solve uncertainties
7# You’re just ready
Every individual will sometimes feel like they are at a crossroads, urging them to look into new homes. It doesn’t have to be brought on by an extraordinary and tumultuous event. The key is to feel emotionally and psychologically prepared to leave the old memories behind and sail into making new ones. There’s nothing wrong with that. You and your family evolve, and it’s sometimes just the time to part ways with the house that holds your past. It’s not a solid and visible indicator. But, a hunch, a feeling, and an instinct are among the vital signs it’s time to sell your house and go on new adventures.
Bottom line
It’s never easy to decide to leave your old habits and living space. Some things will undoubtedly have to change. But, don’t be afraid – change is not a bad thing. If you can identify with some of these signs it’s time to sell your house, then you know what to do – search for your perfect home.
As your family grows, your starter home is starting to feel awfully full. But there’s one big obstacle standing in the way of you and an upsized home: selling your house. From the crayon you gave up on scrubbing off the walls to the tornado of toys that is your kids’ playroom, there’s a lot to contend with if you’re going to get your house in show-ready condition and keep it there.
You could stay put, but why live in a cramped house if you don’t have to? Instead of avoiding a move, find your dream home and then tackle your upsize head-on with these time-saving tips.
Decide if You’ll Move Out
Moving out makes selling a house much easier, especially for parents. When you relocate while your home is on the market, you eliminate the need for constant cleaning and scrambling to leave before every showing. Before moving out, consider the average days on the market in your area. While renting an apartment or Airbnb is affordable in competitive markets, it could be costly if your home takes a long time to sell.
Sellers who move out should avoid leaving the home vacant. Instead, leave just enough furnishings for staging. Home staging improves listing photos and helps buyers imagine themselves in a home they’re thinking about purchasing.
Start Packing Now
Staging is an even bigger concern for families who don’t vacate. Clutter can kill a home sale, so it’s critical that parents have a plan for eliminating clutter while keeping their house livable. For most families, this means putting most belongings in storage and keeping only the bare necessities. Thankfully, buyers are forgiving when it comes to non-master bedrooms, so there’s no need to leave play areas barren. Instead, downsize toy collections and look for easy yet stylish storage solutions like wicker baskets.
Get Your Home in Tip-Top Shape
With clutter out of the way, you can finally see your home clearly, including all of its flaws. From the little repairs you’ve put off to the dust bunnies in the corner, it all needs to go before your home hits the market. Minor fixes like patching drywall, painting, and fixing loose knobs and cupboards are simple enough to DIY, but hire contractors for anything involving plumbing or electrical wiring. While they get your home in good repair, work your way through a deep-cleaning checklist that will make your home gleam.
Keep Up with Daily Cleaning
Right now, your home looks the best it has in years. But as a parent you know it won’t last for long. You need a plan for keeping your home clean day-in and day-out while your home is on the market. Some parents take the DIY approach, diligently following cleaning schedules to stay on top of dishes, laundry, and other hallmarks of a lived-in home, but don’t rule out hiring a housekeeping service. Letting someone else handle the house can be a huge relief when you have so many things on your plate.
Housekeeping and maid services, for example, can help with tasks such as running errands and meal prep in addition to general upkeep. These services ultimately allow parents to focus on work, parenting, and life instead of constantly tending the house.
Make Showings Fun for the Whole Family
Ask any parent who has bought and sold a home, and they’ll tell you that getting kids out of the house for showings is easily one of the most stressful aspects. Make these disruptions easier on the kids (and you!) by creating a reason to look forward to showings. Find fun places to go as a family and keep a bag in your trunk full of kid-friendly activities, snacks, and other supplies. By creating a positive association, you can eliminate the fight to get out of the house.
Moving may feel like an insurmountable feat right now. But before long, this will be just a blip in your family’s history. Instead of letting the idea of selling a house with kids overwhelm you, take charge of your move. With creative solutions (and maybe a little outside help!), you can tackle your move like a pro and settle into your new, right-sized home.
Whether you’re looking for homes for sale in Fredericksburg, Stafford, Orange, Locust Grove, Culpeper, Northern Virginia or even Maryland or DC, we are your Real Estate team committed to finding the perfect home for you! Thinking of selling? In any market condition, “what is my home worth?” is the #1 question asked by homeowners. If you wish to sell your home, it needs to be sold for top dollar, and in a timely manner. Pricing your home accurately, one of our area expert advisors will partner with you to make the selling process so much easier. Get started today by calling us at (540) 388-2541 or contact Pat Licata.
To see available properties, please visit our website
When you’re making an investment of any sort, there’s one
thing more important than just securing all the funds you need. You also need
to do enough research to make sure you’re going to end up making a truly
informed decision. And in this regard, real estate investments are no
different. Especially if you’re a buyer in a seller’s market – you need to have
all the right data and info. And that’s precisely what we’re going to talk
about here!
Working With A Proper Realtor
If you’re buying in a seller’s market, before you actually
present an offer to your seller of choice; you want to have all the right
information. And in order to do that, you need to have the right representation
while you’re buying a property. If you’re facing a steep
seller’s market, a good real estate agent will make all the difference in the
world. For example, they’ll be able to ask all the right questions when talking
to the seller’s agent and figure out all of the activity on the home that you
need to know about.
Doing Research In A Timely Manner
When you’re buying a home and moving there, you need to do everything you can in regards to making your relocation less expensive than it needs to be. And that means doing all the prerequisite research; not just on the specific property, but on the market in general. Once you’ve gotten the sense of the kind of home you want, or even the preferred neighborhoods that you have in mind; you should start learning all you can about them. This is another thing your real estate agent will be good at, so finding one early on is important.
An informed decision is the only good one!
Separating Needs And Wants
One of the realities of buyers in a seller’s market is pure
and simple – you’ll need to get your priorities in order. It doesn’t matter
whether you’re looking for a vacation home or a house you’ll
primarily be living in. You still need to forego a couple of your less urgent
wants and focus on what you truly require. So, a few compromises on the home’s
condition, the local amenities, or the location will simply have to happen in a
seller’s market; coming to terms with this reality is good for you.
Stay Within Budget
A seller’s market is, as the name suggests – one where, to
paraphrase the old adage, buyers can’t be choosers. With this in mind, you need
to say goodbye to the idea of presenting low-ball offers to your sellers. Find
a price range you’re completely comfortable with, and make sure you stay within
it. If you’re hoping that the seller might drop their listed price down to
something more acceptable for you; that isn’t one of the smart things to do in a demand-heavy market
where sellers have their pick.
Don’t let your chase for a dream home make you unrealistic!
Scheduling Flexibility
Before you can find a good moving company like
to help you out with your relocation to a new home; you will need to do
everything in your power to make sure you can nab the right property. And that
means one thing – flexibility! You need to learn of the seller’s time schedule
and adjust yourself accordingly.
Usually, it’s useful to learn why the seller in question is
moving away; that’ll be a great hint in terms of your closing date. If they’re
looking to leave in a hurry, they may want someone who can deal with a quick
closing date. On the other hand, they may require extra time to relocate. If
there are other buyers you’re competing with (and in a seller’s market, there
usually are), this will net you bonus points with the seller. Never underestimate
goodwill as a factor!
More Cash Upfront
This isn’t something you can always influence, depending on your budget and personal finances. But generally speaking, a seller’s market reasonably favors people who can offer a larger amount of earnest money. This will, logically, pique the seller’s interest in negotiating with you. When sellers have favorable market conditions and receive lots of offers, a big deposit could be what makes the crucial difference.
Having more cash to offer will differentiate you from the rest of the buyers!
Get Personal
Depending on the seller in question, including some humanity
and emotion into the equation could also be the deciding factor. For example,
you could write up a letter that you’ll include with the purchase offer, in
order for the seller to know your personal reasons for buying the home. Try to
become friendly with them through the letter as well – for instance,
complimenting their home decor or well-kept outdoors.
Remember – many of the sellers still like the home that
they’re selling. That’s why they’d also like for the home to go to someone
who’s going to love it just as much!
Look For Potential
As we’ve mentioned above, a seller’s market does demand a certain
level of compromise from a buyer. That’s why you shouldn’t take any home at
face value; try to find the promise and potential within a good property.
Perhaps you’ll be able to change a currently unfavorable layout later on?
Don’t Overdo Due Diligence
So far, we’ve talked quite a lot about the importance of making an informed decision. However, you should bear the other side of the coin in mind as well. Remember – real estate markets are a dynamic place. In certain situations, sellers will use the “other people are making offers” ploy as a tactic to get you to panic and agree to a less favorable price. Bear in mind though, that in a seller’s market, this is sometimes truly the case. You need to strike a careful balance between due diligence and overthinking, or the perfect home may slip away!
Whether you’re looking for homes for sale in Fredericksburg, Stafford, Orange, Locust Grove, Culpeper, Northern Virginia or even Maryland or DC, we are your Real Estate team committed to finding the perfect home for you! Thinking of selling? In any market condition, “what is my home worth?” is the #1 question asked by homeowners. If you wish to sell your home, it needs to be sold for top dollar, and in a timely manner. Pricing your home accurately, one of our area expert advisors will partner with you to make the selling process so much easier. Get started today by calling us at (540) 388-2541 or contact Pat Licata.
To see available properties, please visit our website